
Acres of Ice

What we are

We are farmers, engineers and scientists paving a way for a resilient future.


01.Our Mission

To promote holistic water management in mountain regions by offering a range of climate-resilient solutions, including ice stupas, ice terraces, glacial covers, snow harvesting, glacial lake management, and more.

02.Our Vision

To build a world where mountain communities thrive in harmony with nature, empowered by innovative and sustainable water solutions. We aim to lead the way in climate resilience and promote the wisdom of local communities in water management practices.

03.Our Approach

To water management is a collaborative one, where local communities are at the forefront of decision-making. It is rooted in science, empathy, and a deep respect for the environment.

Our team

9+ years in irrigation, glacial studies and projects in the mountain regions.

Suryanarayanan Balasubramanian

Suryanarayanan Balasubramanian

Has a PhD on artificial ice reservoirs and has been involved in their construction since 2015.

Basit Afzal

Basit Afzal

Has a masters on artificial ice reservoirs and 10 years of experiences on microirrigation systems