Follow Our MissionStories From the Mountains Behind the Scenes Curious about our work? Discover our journey, see the impact we’ve made, and explore the adventures behind Acres of Ice’s mission. acresofice 🏔️ Automation of artificial ice reservoirs (AIRs) 💧Water Management | Agritech 📌 Ladakh, India Stepping into the new year seems like the perfect 2024 was a year incredible growth and achievemen We have extended the deadline for applications to Sakti is a large village with approximately 800 ho Our Automated Ice Reservoir in Sakti village, near In the first week of December, Acres of Ice had th Are you an embedded engineer looking to work with Today is International Mountain Day, a day recogni Likir, a village of around 200 households located Ursi is a small village located in the mountains b We have successfully installed our automation syst The fountain is an important aspect of ice reservo As winter arrives in Ladakh, we are entering our b The mountains around us received their first snow Load More Follow on Instagram Igoo Village Artificial Ice Reservoir (AIR) | 2023 Time-Lapse Life In The Frozen Shadows – Ladakh Artificial Ice reservoir Drone Footage Explore Our ProjectsDiscover how Acres of Ice is creating sustainable water solutions Coming soon